DT & THFA Tutor Registration Form Tutoring Experience:Why are you interested in becoming a DT & THF Tutor?Language/s other than English: Area(s) of Expertise: Check the days you are available:MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayCheck the times you are available: 󠆹 MorningAfternoonEveningStudent Preference (check all that apply): MaleFemaleStudent Preference (check all that apply): Adult 󠆹ChildIn what setting do you prefer to work:1-on-1 Group (2 or more on the same level)EitherHow did you hear about DT&T HFA?Newspaper󠆹RadioFamily/Friend Facebook BrochureOtherSendThank you for your interest in volunteering with DT&T HFA! You will be matched with a student following your completion of our Tutor Orientation Training.Please contact our office to schedule your training: Phone: 786-487-5653 / 5892 Email: infodtutoring319@aol.com Website: www.Djounastutor.com This field should be left blank